Apr 12Liked by Dougald Hine

“Game of Thrones” - Yunkaporta’s quip - know your own story! ah! Ah! Tolkien’s trilogy Lord of the Rings” rings more clearly for me. I’m 78 & read it twice many many decades ago, but just a month ago began it again so depressed by the onslaught of daily news. Ah! There too lies our northern European story. It grabbed me. The way Tolkien tells the story, many underlying threads breaking up the old now tiresome Aristotelian arc, the more-than-human participants, the rich embedding of the natural world full of agency. The way he tells the story breaks up ones normative mechanical consciousness, opens one up to mysterious energies floating around & through events & I begin to notice the daily news in different terms now. Fantasy? Not at all! Fantastical? Certainly!

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Apr 12Liked by Dougald Hine

I listened to this last week and when they were discussing the connectivity of kinship and Tyson barked "And limits!" I could hear the ping go off in Dougald's head, ever attentive to the missing piece of the puzzle. And Dougald admits to an idea that I feel like he has been circling but I haven't yet heard him voice aloud about a "network of villages." I'd like to dig deeper into that idea...

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Delightful! I love “Sand Talk” so much. Happy to learn he’s got a new one. In the beginning there was the yarn, indeed. It’s fun how relational all the versions are: conversation, story, yarn. So much better than the authoritarian-tinged “Word.” Looking forward to listening!

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