A beautiful weaving, Dougald, thank you. I'm delighted that you pulled Vanessa's excellent piece into this. So heartening in these days to hear of more and more folk discovering and nourishing the life in the cracks, and articulating it in many different ways. Selah.

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Beautiful Dougald! Thank you for sharing these words today, definately wandering the spaces of 'Selah' right now

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Can really feel the death process right now! on the question of sustaining anything beyond pessimism, I personally think we are now being called to stretch ourselves really far, to hold polarities and not collapse into them. In the West right now we are really feeling the death side - and either resisting it, which is causing a stagnation 'embalming' problem - or collapsing into it, collapsing into the decay - which is also a problem because that means we are surrounded by the decompositional, scavenger, degenerative forces (exhibit A - politics right now). We actually need to hold the polarity wide enough for the other side of it to come in - life force. This is currently stuck out at the margins. Too much to fit into this comment - I've written a short post on this here https://joygreen.substack.com/p/vote-embalm-or-decay-what-about-the

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Super juicy piece, Dougald. Offers a firmness to gently push against, like pantomime, as we feel for patterns of Truth in our own Creativity.

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