I loved this, D. If this is what comes from not knowing...

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Thanks, Lydia, that's good to hear! Not knowing has its virtues, right? The thing is, I spent these first days back at my desk (or the kitchen table) feeling strangely listless – or else leaping on the glimmerings of ideas, only to be given second thoughts – and this morning it struck me that, having had two years in a row where I arrived at the start of the year with such a clear, satisfying mission ahead of me, I'm experiencing the strangeness of not having the equivalent this time around.

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Without sounding more profound than I intend to, I think all sorts of ‘knowing’ emerges from listlessness, space and kitchen tables. It just might not be a shape you recognise quite so quickly?

(In my limited experience, it has all the excitement and quiet of bird watching and fills notebooks quickly! Hope you can find ways to enjoy it. It won’t last long) x

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Sounds like an excellent novel, I do hope you find your publisher! Would love to read it.

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I'm jealous of your snow, Dougald! We haven't had proper snowfall since 2016 here in Maryland. Anything That Isn’t Growing sounds wonderful. Count me in for whatever. One clifi novel I've read recently that worked for me - Migrations, by Charlotte McConaghy

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One year after a book launch seems a fitting time for a snow day. A real winter can be good for slipping our fervent plans right out of our clenched fists. We've finally got some of the white blanket here, after a long slog in the mud. It is stunning the way it changes the look of everything. Winter blessings to you, Dougald.

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