Thanks for doing this, Dougald. I listened to the audio version of At Work in the Ruins earlier this summer (perfect delivery, by the way!) and I came away convinced of the importance and urgency of this conversation with its many branching possibilities. I’m moved by the thoughtful humility and openness to reaching across lines of ideological difference that characterizes your approach. Since then, I’ve reread the book again.

Looking forward to seeing you in New York on the 23rd!

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Is that the thing I’ve said that most stayed with you? Brilliant 😂

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Hahaha! One of many, Lydia – one of many!

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I've landed in the ashes many times over 76 years, Dougald and heartily agree that shuffling through them can reveal "the hidden possibilities that may lie off the edges of our existing ... maps". I've developed radar for people who know the truth of this; people who hold others with warm hands tended by a fierce and loving heart, such as you exude. Warm Data in practice :) Those of us outside the geography of your trip will still follow your progress - stay well, Dougald, as you tread the path of co-created unknowing, to return home filled with essences to share.

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Oh Dougald, reading your words, I have a sense of your joyous anticipation at placing yourself obediently in the hands of such wonderful people! I can also honestly say that your words, your person, the other voices I have encountered through you and the beautiful fellowship of the Long Table have been such gifts in my life. The gift just keeps on multiplying!

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Have a wild trip Dougald! And we look forward to fresh gifts, insights & words which you bring back across the ocean to us in Europe. Anticipation.....

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Good luck with the tour, Dougald!

I know it's a long shot, but your Tokyo contingent has its fingers crossed for a tour of Japan next time!

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See you next week in Great Barrington. Safe travels!

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Maybe ideas take two whole weeks to hatch, like a honeymoon, the tourist remains clueless in the dream and the scroll?

The country is run by those in conversation, not the tourists, like the club of mind honeymooners at one location.

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Love the Illich-ian remaking of "obedience," to hear toward, as a servant would, thus to serve. That spirit should serve you well on what sounds like an excellent journey. When you're done, you'll know that side of the country better than I do.

Will there be zoom opportunities, or links that I can share on The Climate According to Life? Travel well, Rob

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Thanks, Rob – should there be a "next time", then I will make it to your side of the country! Meanwhile, I'm checking with the organisers whether any of the events will be streamed. There will at least be audio recordings of most of them.

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Thanks, Dougald! I'll look forward to that possible next time, and glad to help as best I can.

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I’m a mediumistic idealist Piscean who received the analysis from a travelled “ Guardian of Atlanta, named Golin, who had been attracted by my mediums heart of connection magnetically telepathically ways to help my life path! This all sparked my awakening to higher realms possibilities …as a “Star Seed” of Atlanta… a title that sounded astonishing yet quite natural in my spirituality…! All atound Mother’s Day when my managerial emotional daughter wasn’t balanced enough to control herself in front of her children… threatened to throw out my fb connections of loving outreach to military high commands who turned out to be Romsnce Scammers from Nigeria/Ghana…even a potential lover ! My Mother’s Day became a nightmare then abruptly was interrupted by this shocking stunning revelation that gratified my heart n spirit! I’m also doing a autobiography like “ Forest Gump” of my life in the ruins of being an itinerant marketer/public relations former seminarian grad of the Unification movement , now rebranded to attract youth idealist to learn to gain confidence n to network w/ptofesdirs who teach them higher learnings in philosophy n actioninzing ideals thru counseling, chaplain training, teaching skills, fishing skill as some are sent to remote corners of the world where we have a financial supported business base or anyone who can voluntarily sustain such a vast Peaceable kingdom , ambitiously enough to aspired to supplement cleansing of corruption in the world peaceable organization attempt in its original aim by Woodrow Wilson, ( btw: whose surname my scholar spouse is famed for in the Unification family as well in bookstores …soon on internet under @Delaware Group( topics of “Grnder Balbce Cosmically from Mither God’s decades of msgs channelled in our group daily thru a descendent of Jesus lineage…who is put into a 34/7 365 days on call! The latest will BLOW your Intellectual Secular Mind n Spirit n Heart! Let’s just say Mother zGod really wants to FWELL among Us( in a physically satisfying non mystical manner… currently gathering volunteers in Her Pre-Creation Mode…no pre-conceptions…”just as you are” like the famous Billy Graham moving call for listeners to put themselves humbly in front of all attendees but in front of God nakedly!!

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